Makes me wanna go back to school:

Because geeks make great lovers, you have to expect a certain level of practical interest in sex tech. And because this generation grew up with the internet and mobile devices and don't always distinguish between "virtual" and "real" life, they are comfortable with technology as a platform for both physical and emotional intimacy.

Check the academics here.

It's time for Trinidad to have it's own auction marketplace, a la eBay. Check out, the site is totally FREE for everyone involved. FREE to list items! FREE to sell! FREE to get an online store!

You know i love free shit. To learn more click here.

I'll be doing a bit of a Fela tribute tomorrow night at Alice Yard. From West Africa to West London, the man and his music have influenced generations of musicians across all genres, including James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Talib Kweli, Vikter Duplaix and so many more.

All are invited to pass through, and maybe tell a friend if you can.


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