-----Original Message-----
From: Clark from Facebook [mailto:appeals-comment@facebook.com]
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 10:59 PM
To: xxx@hotmail.com
Subject: [rt.facebook.com #7210642] FW: Warning: Your Facebook Account
Hi Christopher,
You have already been given a second chance when we
reactivated your account on 6/20/07. You received numerous
warnings to slow down your activity. Failure to adhere to those
warnings has resulted in the permanent loss of your account.
We will not be able to reactivate your account, nor will you be
able to recover any content within the account. This decision is
Thank you for understanding,
Customer Support Representative
[xxx@hotmail.com - Thu Nov 01 16:44:29 2007]:
hi i got disabled for messaging my friends about my new
facebook group. can you please re-enable my account?
CHRIS> Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 16:28:13 -0700> To:
xxx@hotmail.com> From: info
+ovzopzre@facebookmail.com> Subject: Warning: Your
Facebook Account> > Hi,> > Your account has been disabled
for persistent misuse of the site. Please contact
disabled@facebook.com for more information.> > The Facebook
Team> >
Labels: irrelevant
Labels: music
Check out Janice Derrick's fancy fancy range of handmade jewelry and Christmas ornaments. She's hosting a preview on Thursday 6th December (5 - 9pm), and the Open Studio's on Friday 7th December (noon - 7pm), Saturday 8th December (noon - 6pm) and Sunday 9th December (noon - 5pm) at 5 Hamel-Smith Terrace in Cascade.
For more info, email info[at]janicederrick[dot]com or visit her website.
Labels: fashion
There is a big Caribbean social site coming out that only a few people know about yet.
Go sign up now and get your username and web address (e.g. caribfriends.com/yourname) before it's gone.
The word is spreading....
Labels: technology