If you missed last week's casting call (or are just obssessed with standing in front of cameras), Diefferent Style Flims is looking for actors for the following roles for a new TV 13- episode series, “THE REEF”:

BABYDOLL - 20s, Indo-Trinbagonian, limer, ambitious, flighty, fun-loving.
BRYLCREEM - 20s, limer, fun-loving.
DETECTIVE DEAN - 40s- 50s, serious, masculine, large frame, fit, honest.
DRIVER - 30s- 40s, Villain, Sly/silent type, well built, fit, stoic.
GANGULY - 50s-60s, Writer, intellectual, arrogant, distinguished, English accent.
HANS - 30s-40s, visitor, DUTCH/GERMAN gullible.
IXORA - 50s-60s, Former maid, mean spirited, wretched, dishonest
JACK - 40s, Driver, straightforward, quiet, clear,.
LAWYER - 40s-50s, well spoken, good sense of humour.
LIZZIE Mc MANN - 35-50, American mother, outspoken, suspicious, stubborn.
MA - 50s. Indo-Trinbagonian, Fun loving, relaxed, organised.
MARCONI - 50s, Criminal heavy roller, sinister, criminal background, intelligent, understated.
MICAH - 20s, Front desk attendant, dark-skinned, gorgeous, competent, confident,
MISS GILLIAN - 50s- 60s Cook, Spiritual Baptist, easy to work with.
MOTHER MONICA - 60s-70s, Spiritual Healer, stern, threatening.
Ms. WEBSTER - 20s-30, Assistant to Writer, patient but frustrated.
NANCY MC MANN - 19-27, American tourist, fun loving, free spirited, game for anything.
NEHILETH - 20s-30s, Afro- Trinidadian, centred, smart.
OLD MAN - 60 - 70 Vacationer, competent, coherent, laid back.
OLD WOMAN - 60 - 70 Vacationer, laid back, adventurous, soft spoken.
POPO - 20s, limer
RAJIN - 20s, coward, introverted
SANJAY - 20s, Small criminal, focussed, cool, deadly.
SURAJ - 20s, limer, instigator
TERRENCE - 20s, surfer type, game for anything, idle, fun.
TOURIST MAN - Foreigner, pleasant
TOURIST WOMAN - Foreigner, pleasant
TRACI - 20s-30s, voluptuous, brazen, loving.
TROY - 20s, surfer type, game for anything, idle, fun.
WHISKEY - 50s, 60s, unassuming, long-suffering.
ZWADE - 20s, surfer type, game for anything, idle, fun.

Auditions will be held on Saturday April 7 , 2007 at 49 Rosalino Street, Woodbrook at 10:00am. For more info call 316 3548/628- 4168 or email diefferentstyleflims[at]gmail[dot]com.

There seems to be a strong demand for Tourist Style actors these days. One of my boys is setting up an agency that will be booking Tourist Style actors only. Details to follow.



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